Welcome to the LibGuide on Learning Qualtrics a web-based survey software used by University of Regina.
This software is used to create, design, distribute and analyze surveys for various research/other purposes. This guide is designed for beginner and advanced users of Qualtrics to guide users about some of the functions and uses of Qualtrics.
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Here are some tips to creating an effective survey.
Available as both print and e-book.
Erin Ruel, William Edward Wagner, & Brian Joseph Gillespie. (2016). Introduction to Survey Research. In The Practice of Survey Research: Theory and Applications (p. 2). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Nigel G. Fielding, Raymond M. Lee, & Grant Blank. (2017). Overview: Online Surveys. In The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods (p. 143). 55 City Road: SAGE Publications.
Toepoel, V. (2016). Doing surveys online.
Table of Contents- Chapters
Introduction to online surveys -- Developing the survey : questions and answers -- Ethical considerations -- Sampling -- Using a panel in your research -- Comparative survey research -- Incentives for respondents -- Selecting survey software -- Programming the survey -- Fieldwork -- Processing and cleaning the data -- Weighting survey data -- Reporting survey results -- Making data available to others -- The future of Web surveys.
Sue, V., & Ritter, L. (2016). Conducting online surveys (Second ed.).
Brief Description: Serving as a comprehensive guide for anyone wishing to conduct online survey research, this text addresses the specific opportunities and challenges inherent in conducting surveys online.
This LibGuide was created by Ally Patton, an intern for the Archer Library in May 2020.