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Archway Exhibition Space

Located in the Library’s main floor study space, the Archway Exhibition Space provides a venue for members of the University Community to display visual arts, and to enhance the user experience in the main floor study space.  The Library and Archives works closely with partners, such as the Faculty of Media, Art and Performance and others, to organize new exhibitions on a regular basis. 

Current Exhibition

U of R Press Book Cover Art Exhibition

Blake, Raymond and Melvin Baker. Where once they stood: Newfoundland's rocky road towards Confederation. Regina, SK University of Regina Press, 2019.

Dashchuck, James W. Clearing the Plains: disease, politics of starvation, and the loss of Indigenous life. Regina, SK University of Regina Press, 2019.

Eisler, Dale. From left to right : Saskatchewan’s political and economic transformation. Regina, SK University of Regina Press, 2022.

Johnson, Harold.  Firewater: how alcohol is killing my people (and yours). Regina, SK: University of Regina Press, 2016.

Kreuter, Aaron. Shifting baseline syndrome. Regina, SK University of Regina Press, 2022.

Merasty, Joseph Auguste. The Education of Augie Merasty: A Residential School Memoir.  Regina, SK University of Regina Press, 2022.  

Ratt, Solomon. Mâci-nêhiyawêwin = Beginning Cree. Regina, SK: University of Regina Press, 2016.

Exhibition Guidelines

The University of Regina Library may exhibit students’ artwork(s) (artworks created by/for a class, or their own work) at its discretion in the Dr. John Archer Library Exhibition Space. The University of Regina Library espouses the value of intellectual freedom and will not censor students’ work. The Dr. John Archer Library Exhibition Space committee will determine what is chosen based on a number of different factors.

The exhibition space is a collaboration between The Faculty of Media, Arts and Performance (MAP) and the University of Regina Library. Exhibitions in this display area will be changed each semester (Fall, Winter, Spring/Summer).

Exhibition Exhibition Dates Submission Deadline
Winter 2023 January 7th to April 30th December 14th
Spring/Summer 2023 May 1st to August 25st April 14th
Fall 2023 September 3rd to December 21st August 15th


Who Can Display Artwork: Any student or recent Alumni (graduated 5 years or less from the UofR). The Archer Library welcomes proposals from artists of all abilities, ages, cultures, ethnicities, citizenships, gender identities and races.

Labels: Flat labels will be placed beside artwork detailing the title, the artist, the medium, and the year. This information must be discreetly affixed to the work itself by the artist (on the reverse, for example), in case of separation from label.

Continuity: The items on display are expected to stay on display for the entire exhibition period. If a piece is needed for another purpose during the display period, it should not be included unless it can be replaced by another work. At no time other than during the installation, should the display look incomplete or unfinished

Installing/Uninstalling: All artwork is to be installed and uninstalled by Library staff. Work must have approved hanging hardware affixed prior to drop off. This excludes 3D works.

Sales: The University of Regina Library will not charge any fee to exhibit or view this art. The artwork(s) exhibited in the Dr. John Archer Library Exhibition Space will not be sold on premises nor will the Library be involved in any transaction regarding it. Interested buyers may contact the committee who will contact the artist. The University of Regina  Library will not charge any fee to view the art and is unable to pay CARFAC fees to artists.

Publicity Rights: Exhibition catalogues, media reviews, and/or announcements in print and/or digital form may be created from exhibitions of work(s) at the Dr. John Archer Library Exhibition Space

Pick Up Times: If all reasonable efforts to contact the artist have failed after the deadline for pickup then the University of Regina Library reserves the right to determine the manner of disposal of the artwork(s).

Damage: The University of Regina Library is not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur to artwork while being displayed in the Dr. John Archer Library Exhibition Space. Artists use this space to display their work at their own risk.

Artwork Space Allocations/Formats: The Dr. John Archer Library Exhibition Space has limitations on the size and format of artwork that can be displayed. Only artwork that has been framed with approved hanging hardware will be installed. Please see exhibition space floor plan for space details.

Submission Form





Past Exhibitions

Previous exhibitions have been archived and are available at

Meet Mary Filer
Curated by Art History 320 students (Fall 2022)
December 2022 - April 2023

The exhibition includes original and reproduced pieces from Mary Filer’s 4500+ piece collection in the Archives’ holdings, along with extended labels and reflective statements written by the students.  

Riding is Resistance
A colonialism skateboards project with students from Scott Collegiate, Treaty 4
June 2019

The exhibition consists of skateboards which depict the history of Canada's Colonial past and its lingering negative influence

Floor Plan

architectural image displaying first floor of library with Archway Exhibit spaces highlighted in red