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Library In-Kind Support for Grant Applications

Library In-Kind Support for Research Grant Applications

The Library offers expertise and resources for University of Regina researchers. This Research Guide provides direction for those looking to quantify these in-kind contributions in grant applications.

Eligible in-kind contributions for Tri-Agency grants generally align with the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide, although each agency does allow for other in-kind contributions that are essential for carrying out projects. For further details, visit the SSHRC Guidelines for Cash and In-Kind Contributions, or the NSERC Guidelines on Eligibility and Value of In-Kind Contributions. CIHR was in the process of updating their web content when this Research Guide was created; check back for updates. You can also contact your granting agency's Program Officers or the U of R Research Office for further information.

Note: Text in bold in these descriptions might be useful to cut & paste into grant applications.

The numbers below are estimates. Please contact one of the librarians listed on the right side of the screen for further advice and more precise estimates of the time and resources that your project might require, prior to submitting your grant application.


Available Services

Librarian Support for Systematic/Scoping Reviews

Librarians can provide advice on refining the focus of review, identifying key databases, and assisting with the development of preliminary search strategies for both traditional and grey literature. They can also provide insight into reference management options, and training/assistance with review software (SUMARI/Covidence) for researchers and student assistants.

In-kind value: $2000 ($80 x 25 hours)


Research Data Management

The Library provides support services for research data management which are aligned with Tri-Council’s policy. These services include:

  • Data management planning for the research project using the DMP Assistant
  • Guidance on effective data management practices throughout the research lifecycle
  • Assistance with publishing datasets in an appropriate data repository

In-kind value: $2000 ($80 x 25 hours)


Open Access Publishing

The Library provides assistance with making educational resources and research outputs openly accessible, aligned with the Tri-Agency’s guidelines on open access.  This support includes guidance and training for:

  • Publishing research in an open access journal 
  • Publishing research outputs in the oURspace Digital Repository or U of R Dataverse Data Repository
  • Creating or adapting open educational resources

In-kind value: $960 ($80 x 12 hours)


Copyright Support

The Library can provide guidance on copyright issues related to research projects, including advising on how to obtain permissions for third party material. The researcher is responsible for obtaining permissions and any associated copyright fees.

In-kind value: $960 ($80 x 12 hours) 


Digitization and Digital Asset Management

The Library provides in-kind support for faculty who plan to create or collect a large collection of digital objects as part of their research project (e.g. documents, images, audio files, video files, datasets).  This support includes guidance and training on:

  • Planning for long-term preservation of digital assets after the project is over
  • Setting up a metadata schema for data collection
  • Scanning/digitizing material according to best practices for accessibility and long-term digital preservation
  • Options for publishing research outputs online and making them discoverable on the Web
  • Uploading files to University of Regina digital repositories
  • Registering for Digital Object Identifiers

In-kind value: $3200 (estimated at $80 x 40 hours, but will vary based on project scope)

Note: We can also provide digitization services and digital preservation storage for a fee (not in-kind)



This guide was inspired by the University of Victoria's Library Services for Grant-Funded Research Projects web page. Thanks to Christine Walde and Lisa Goddard for generously sharing their knowledge and experience with us!

For Systematic Reviews, Open Access Publishing, contact:

Profile Photo
Cara Bradley
University of Regina Library

For Digitization/Digital Asset Management, contact:

Profile Photo
Veronica Ramshaw
LY 611.15
Subjects: Film, French

For Copyright/OA Publishing, contact:

For Research Data Management, contact:

Profile Photo
Kaetlyn Phillips
Dr. John Archer Library
6th Floor
LY 611.13