The University of Regina Archer Library is ending its subscription for RefWorks on September 30, 2023. Anyone with a RefWorks account has until September 30, 2023 to export their citations before RefWorks is unavailable.
As we get closer to September 30, RefWorks account users will get reminders through email to export their references.
You may have questions, we've tried to answer some here. If you want more information, please contact your subject librarian or the Archer Help Desk.
Why is the library ending this subscription?
Many campus members already currently use no-cost alternatives to RefWorks, such as Zotero and Mendeley, in their teaching and research work. Additionally, most peer institutions have ended their subscriptions to RefWorks over the last ten years in light of other free alternatives with similar features becoming available.
What does this mean for me as a user?
If you use the University’s RefWorks subscription, you will need to transfer your references to another reference management system such as Mendeley and Zotero. Several of these interfaces are available either for no cost or for a small upgrade fee to provide extra storage capabilities. We've included a breakdown of different reference managers to help you choose what works best for you.
What do I need to do?
If you want to keep your references, you will need to export your references out of RefWorks by September 30, 2023. You do not need to immediately put them into a new citation manager until you are ready.
To export your references:
That seems too easy... What's the catch?
If you are exporting a large number of files (over 1000) it is suggested that you break your citations into smaller folders and export them one at a time. If you've added file attachments (full-text pdfs) or personal notes they will not export and will have to be added to the new reference manager of your choice manually.
When do I need to do it?
By September 30, 2023
What if I don't transfer my records by the subscription end date?
Once our subscription ends, we will no longer have access to RefWorks, so any remaining records in your RefWorks account will be inaccessible.
Are there other reference managers I can use?
There are several other citations/reference managers available. Take a look here for a comparison of managers.
Will the library still support me with reference managers?
Yes! We recommend talking with your subject librarian for more assistance.