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SPARK: Ask Others

A resource for students wanting to improve their academic and research skills.

Ask Others

Friends, relatives and other students can all give useful feedback for revising your essays. However, such readers may provide rather narrow or uncritical comments unless they are given specific guidance. You might wish to visit one of the many centres on campus where you can get free writing help, or use the tutor registry to find an outside tutor. If you wish to have a friend for family member look over your work, you might ask them to fill out the 'Peer Editing Sheet' available under the 'Resources' tab.

Your friends and family might be able to offer advice on things like spelling and grammar, but it is best to find someone who is trained to help you with larger, more global, issues. You can book an appointment with a writing tutor at the Student Success Centre at the link below, or come by the 2nd floor of the Riddell Centre for a drop-in appointment.


Book an appointment with a Writing Tutor here!: