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SPARK: Books, Journals & More

A resource for students wanting to improve their academic and research skills.

Books, Journals, and More

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Selecting Sources

There is a lot that can be said about doing research – it can be fun, it can also be frustrating. What makes it more rewarding is understanding what the assignment expectations are and then locating a relevant body of resources that help you write the best possible paper. Start by looking at the requirements of the assignment.

  • How long is the paper?
  • Does the essay require current sources or are earlier sources also appropriate?
  • Does the disciplinary perspective of the resource matter?
  • Do you need primary and/or secondary resources?
  • What types of sources are required for the assignment?

Under Resources for Books, Journals, & More open Selecting Assignment Sources to review this series of questions in more detail to determine how to invest time and energy wisely and efficiently in the research process.

Keywords: Pick Wisely