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SPARK: Academic Integrity

A resource for students wanting to improve their academic and research skills.

Academic Integrity

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What is Academic Integrity?

“Academic integrity” refers to a set of conventions that scholars follow in their work, and which generates credibility, trust, and respect within the academic community. As a student, earning a university degree in a fair and ethical way also involves following these conventions.

Violations of academic integrity can lead to disciplinary actions under the University of Regina Student Code of Conduct. Effective time management and study skills can help students avoid feeling desperate and engaging in actions which violate academic integrity. See the Time Management module.

Pursuing a degree with integrity

The most serious breaches of academic integrity involve intentional dishonesty, such as submitting an assignment purchased online or written by a friend, paying another person to write an exam, or lying in an academic petition. However, even attempting to lighten ones workload by colluding with peers without permission may fail to meet the standards of working with integrity.

The conventions governing the ethical conduct of academic work vary depending on discipline and type of research, and they can initially seem confusing. As you move through your studies, you will learn (both implicitly and explicitly) the expectations and conventions for conducting research with academic integrity. These conventions are important, so never hesitate to approach your instructors regarding any uncertainty you might have about them.


Academic Integrity: The moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty, diligence, rigor and integrity in research and academic publishing.

Scholars: Individuals engaged in advanced research and teaching within a particular academic discipline or subject area.

Academic Petition: A formal request for the waiver of a Faculty’s academic regulation or deadline

Colluding: There is a significant difference between collaboration and collusion. Collaboration is working jointly with others and is often encouraged by course instructors. Collusion is working jointly with others when it is not permissible or when the instructor does not authorize working in a group.

Permissible collaboration includes:

  • group work that clearly follows the course director’s instructions
  • sharing research findings or discussing course materials with other students when these contributions are fully acknowledged in one’s individual work

In contrast, collusion includes:

  • working with another student on an assignment when working in groups has not been approved by the instructor
  • dividing sections of an assignment or project among a group and then presenting it as work having been completed individually
  • splitting the tasks for group assignments unevenly where some students do most of the work while others do very little