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SPARK: Assignment Preparation

A resource for students wanting to improve their academic and research skills.

Assignment Preparation

Look at your weekly schedule and identify the times available for working on your major assignments and essays. If there are no times remaining for these, you will have to consider whether you are overcommitted and need to limit the time associated with some of your activities, or possibly withdraw from one or two altogether.

While some students are able to work at a steady pace throughout the term, most students find that they work to deadlines. They increase the amount of time spent on essays as the submission deadlines approach. If you work in this manner, then you must make sure that you have a good deal of flexible time in your schedule. Identify what part of your schedule can realistically be changed in times of high demand.

  1. Block off a bit of time each week for working on your essays no matter when they
    are due. Identify times during the week where you know you can add more hours,
    if needed, as you get closer to the deadline.
  2. Review a sample of the schedule below.

Sample Schedule

Notice in the sample schedule the addition of major assignment preparation time and additional preparation time.

  • Classes
  • Commuting time
  • Part-time job
  • Swimming
  • Class preparation by course name/number
  • Assignment preparation time
  • Additional assignment time if needed