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SPARK: Breach of Policy on Academic Honesty

A resource for students wanting to improve their academic and research skills.

Breach of Policy on Academic Honesty

A student who is charged with a breach of the University of Regina Student Code of Conduct shall be presumed innocent until, based on clear and compelling evidence, it is determined that the student has violated the policy.

Remember, however, that the University does not consider ignorance of the policy to be an excuse for breaches of academic honesty. 

Suspected breaches of academic honesty are handled within the Faculty offering the course, and may include the following steps: 

  1. an exploratory meeting
  2. a formal hearing at the Faculty unit level
  3. an appeal of the ruling at the Faculty unit level to the Council Committee on Student Appeals

For more information on the Council Committee on Student Appeals procedures and the University of Regina’s documentation related to the Student Code of Conduct, click the links below.