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CBCA Education -- Sample advanced search
In CBCA Education, click Advanced search above the search box
We'll look for peer-reviewed journal articles on learning style in education
There are two main concepts to this search: learning style, and education
There is also a limit to the search: peer-reviewed. They're limits because of the way CBCA Education handles them
There are possible synonyms for learning styles. These synonyms will be joined by the Boolean OR command
First concept
Second concept
learning style
learning styles
cognitive style
cognitive styles
multiple intelligences
In the first search box, type: "learning style*" or "cognitive style*" or "multiple intelligence*"
The asterisk* after some of the words is the symbol for truncation in this database, and will find anything starting with the letters before it
The quotation marks will ensure that those terms are searched as exact phrases.Tip: this works in Google, too, and makes your search results more precise
At All fields + text, use the drop-down menu to change it to All fields (no full text) -- ALL: this is a more targeted way of searching
Notice that the Boolean command AND joins the different lines of the search form
In the second search box, type: education
At All fields + text, use the drop-down menu to change it to All fields (no full text) -- ALL
At Date Range, use the drop-down menu to change it to After this date
To choose peer-reviewed articles, at Limit to click in the boxes to the left of Peer-reviewed and Scholarly journals
To choose the last five years,leave it at Any Month and Any Day, then type: 2006 in the box before (yyyy)
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click Search
The icons under the article titles indicate whether an article is available full text online or not, but only from CBCA Education:
If there’s only an “Abstract” or “Citation” present, that article is not available full text from CBCA Education
“Full text” means that a Web version of the article is available from CBCA Education
“Text + Graphics” means that a Web version of the article, with illustrations/graphs, usually miniaturized, is available from CBCA
“Full Text – PDF” usually means that the journal article was scanned into the computer, and therefore exists in its original version, with images, page numbers and all, exactly as in the paper journal
To see if the Library owns the journals containing articles that aren't available full text through CBCA Education, do a journal title search in the Library's catalogue or click Where can I get this