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Government Publications


Please select the relevant subject guide (linked below). If you are not sure which level of government produces the information that you are looking for, consult How Canadians Govern Themselves for information about the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments and the relationship between provincial and municipal governments.


It is important to understand the legislative process in Canada.  Parliament is the legislative branch of government and is composed of the Sovereign (represented by the Governor General), the Senate, and the House of Commons.  Both the Senate and the House of Commons publish a Notice Paper for each sitting day; the Notice Papers present all notices of bills, motions and questions that senators, ministers or private members may wish to bring before their respective chambers. 


When Government bills are introduced in the House of Commons, they are numbered C-2 to C-200. Private members’ bills are numbered C-201 to C-1000, and private members’ private bills are numbered C-1001 and up.  Bills introduced in the Senate are numbered S-2 and up, with no distinction between Government, private senators’ public bills and private senators’ private bills.


Acts, Statutes & Commissions

Finding a Current Act or Statute

Finding a Historical Act or Statute

Finding a Federal Royal Commission