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Video Accessibility Guide

A guide to making video tutorials accessible for users with diverse needs.


  • Determine the audience for your video and consider their learning needs.
  • Determine the objectives of your video.
    • Try to cover one objective per video. If there is more than one objective, provide a table of contents with time stamps so users can jump to an appropriate section.
  • Write a script or storyboard to maintain focus while making the video and to make editing transcript files easier.
  • When script writing, use simple language, targeted to your audience, with active voice.
  • Avoid using jargon, abbreviations, or unusual words. If they must be used, explain the term or provide a link to a glossary.
  • When script writing increase engagement by using first- and second- person pronouns.
  • Design content with the most important information first as viewership tends to drop off near the end of the video.


  • Create visual consistency by:
    • Having an introductory screen
    • Using common logos, images, or graphics
    • Using a consistent colour scheme and fonts
    • Having a closing screen which includes contact information
    • Smoothing your cursor.
  • Give the video structure with sections, titles, and headings.
  • Provide a verbal and visual outline of what is going to be covered in the video.
  • Clearly state objectives in the introduction.
  • Try to keep videos between three to five minutes.
    • Make a series of videos with chunked content instead of a long video.
    • Include chapter points in longer videos so users can jump to desired content.
  • Any mouse action should also be replicable on the keyboard.
  • Speak:
    • With a clear, projecting voice in a comfortable, conversational tone.
    • Slightly slower than usual, but still at a comfortable speed.
    • In shorter sentences with pauses between thoughts and frames so viewers can process information.
    • Avoid fillers phrases and sounds (“umm” and “hmm”) as they can be distracting and complicate captioning software.

Post Production

  • Carefully edit out extraneous noise and speech.
  • Edit captioning transcripts in a text file, YouTube Studio, or Zoom Pro.
    • Consider creating a text only version of the transcript.

Consider making an alternate format such a pdf with static images.