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Music: Chicago Style

Chicago Style

Citation Guide

For more information on using the Chicago style see the Chicago Manual book listed under the General Style Guide Reference tab above and also refer to the below offsite links.

Annotated Bibliography Tutorial

What is an Annotated Bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations of peer-reviewed books, articles, etc., followed by a brief (approximately 150-word) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of an annotation is to help the reader decide whether the source is relevant to their research topic.
The Process:
- Always follow your professor's instructions if you have been asked to prepare an annotated bibliography as part of a research project assignment.
- You will typically be asked to briefly examine and review the actual items;
- It is recommended that you choose works that... 
- Cite... the appropriate style, i.e. the one required by your professor. 
- Annotations are typically concise and summarize.... 
Check with your professor as to how and whether or not you are to:
    - evaluate...
    - comment....
    - compare....
    - explain....