This guide is a useful starting point for many Indigenous Studies topics. The University of Regina is located on Treaty 4 territory with a presence in Treaty 6 territory as well as the traditional homeland of the Métis.
Although databases differ in specific detail depending on
their software, there are common features. Most provide for some type of
truncation or wild card to find word variations, but the symbol may differ: an
asterisk (*), question mark (?), or colon (:) are often used. Limiting by
element such as language, date, format, field (author, title, subject,
classification code, etc.) is usually available. Parentheses are used to group
ideas. Boolean logic (the use of AND, OR and
NOT to refine searches) is probably the most effective feature.
AND requires all specified words to appear in each
globalization AND poverty
welfare AND inequality
ORrequires any of the specified words to appear in
each document
e.g. international
trade OR global econom*
Indian* OR aboriginal* OR native* OR indigenous OR First Nation*
NOTexcludes terms not desired
e.g. Latin
Americ* NOT Mexic*
Combining ideas
e.g. women AND (third
world OR developing countries)
(free trade) AND (labo* union* OR trade union*) AND (Latin America* OR South America*)
prioritize your concepts to begin your search with
the most important one
consider additional concepts to use, if necessary, to
reduce or expand retrieval
if the database has a thesaurus, either online or
print, check for suggested terms
Not enough material?
if you have combined several concepts using AND, start
again and search only the most important one. Then add the next most important
one, and so forth
look at each concept and see if you can think of
additional synonyms (use OR)
if you are searching free-text, look at your terms
carefully and think of ways to broaden your phrasing
Too much material?
look at a sample of the items retrieved; if a high
proportion is not relevant, add another concept
sometimes irrelevant records may be eliminated by
NOTing out a particular aspect or population
try limiting by language, date, form of material,
particular field instead of free-text
Free digital library that contains thousands of books, journals, and primary sources in Canadian history from the first European contact to the early 20th century. The collection is particularly strong in Indigenous Studies.
The First Nations Gazette (FNG) was launched in 1997 through a partnership between the Indian Taxation Advisory Board and the Univ. of Sask. to provide public notice of First Nation legislation. In 2014 the FNG moved to an open access format. The database contains more than 2600 First Nations laws/bylaws, land codes, notices, etc. The FNG is mandated under the First Nations Management Act and is exempted from publication in the Canada Gazette..
FNIGC Data Online is available from Canada's First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC). It has published data in the form of exportable charts, tables and graphs about First Nations people living on reserve and in northern communities.
The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development was created in 1966.
Before 1966, different departments were responsible for the portfolios of Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs. This database contains references to be found in more than 40,700 digitized pages of the original annual reports for the Indian Affairs portfolio for the years 1864 to 1966 and the complete annual reports for the department of Indian Affairs from 1967 to 1990.
The annual reports for Northern Affairs are not included in this database. Northern Affairs annual reports from before 1967 will need to be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
The University Library's Indian History Film Project contains transcripts of hundreds interviews with First Nations elders across Canada. Interviews were documented between the early 20th century to the mid 1980s and portray perspectives on various aspects of life from a First Nations' perspective. This primary research is searchable by keyword and browsable by date of the interview, subject, interviewer and interviewee name.
This is a complete digital collection of the Indian News that was published by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs from 1954 to 1982. It was intended for distribution amongst Canada's First Nations people. The publication covered an array of topics and issues related to Canada's First Nations people and their communities.
The records found in RG 10 contain the historical records relating to Indian Affairs created by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and its predecessors. They include files, correspondence, letters, and transcripts on all aspects of Indian administration for both headquarters and the field offices. All records are organized into four separate series: Pre-Confederation, Headquarters, Field, and Land records. FNUniv Library has some material on microfilm and details are at
"The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) was established by Order in Council on August 26, 1991, and it submitted its report in October 1996. The RCAP was mandated to investigate and propose solutions to the challenges affecting the relationship between Aboriginal peoples (First Nations, Inuit, Métis), the Canadian government and Canadian society as a whole."
Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System (ATRIS)ATRIS is a Web-based information system intended to map out the location of Aboriginal communities and display information pertaining to their potential or established Aboriginal or treaty rights.
Academic OneFile Select (Gale) Provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers across disciplines. The database meets research needs in subject areas including the arts and humanities, social sciences, and science and technology
America History and LifeCovers the world's scholarly literature on the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Comprises circa 400,000 bibliographic entries. Subjects indexed include: history,interdisciplinary studies, popular culture, womens'/gender studies, folklore, and law.
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North AmericaExplore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from early European colonization up to photographs and Indigenous newspapers from the mid-twentieth century. Browse through a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals.
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North AmericaBibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America is a bibliographic database covering a wide range of topics including archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy. It contains more than 80,000 citations for books, essays, journal articles, and government documents of the United States and Canada. Dates of coverage for included content range from the sixteenth century to the present. The database is an essential research tool for anthropologists, educators, historians, political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, legal and medical researchers, linguists, theologians, ethnobotanists, and policy makers. Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America will appeal to anyone interested in exploring the contributions, struggles, and issues surrounding North America
Canadiana HeritageDigitized materials from the Library and Archives Canada microfilm collection. Includes collections of genealogy, government documents, military history, Aboriginal history, and landmark papers.
"The Héritage project is a 10-year initiative to digitize and make accessible online some of Canada’s most popular archival collections encompassing roughly 40 million pages of primary-source documents. Chronicling the country and its people from the 1600s to the mid-1900s, this collection represents a vast and unique resource for Canadian historians, students, and genealogists."
Canada CommonsAccess to Canadian e-books, health and public policy documents. Formerly 3 separate collections: Canadian Health Research, Canadian Public Policy, Canadian Publishers.
Canada Commons has become the new home for desLibris/Canadian Electronic Library as of May 2022.
CBCA Canadian Business & Current Affairs DatabaseThe Canadian Business & Current Affairs™ Database combines full text and indexed content from all four subsets (Business, Current Events, Education, and Reference). The content comes from a broad range of Canadian sources, with the majority of content in English and hundreds of thousands of full-text articles in French. The resource includes millions of full-text articles and records from 1933 to current, providing content in Canadian current events, business, science and technology, medical, humanities and the arts, and hundreds of topics.
Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures and the EnvironmentEarly Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment documents the relationships among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. It includes perspectives of explorers, Indigenous peoples, missionaries, officials, slaves, soldiers, and traders.The collection focuses on personal accounts through a range of published and unpublished accounts, including narratives, diaries, journals, letters, prints, drawings, paintings, maps, bibliographies,and photographs.
The collection is centered on present-day Canada and the United States with some limited coverage of Mexico.
Ebook CentralA multidisciplinary database of reference, scholarly, and professional electronic books on Proquest platform.
Frontier Life brings together documents from sixteen archives and libraries around the world. This geographical spread of material allows users to take a comparative approach or focus on a particular region, making it ideal for teaching and student projects, as well as more in-depth scholarly research.
Includes 240,000 Images and 7,895 documents pertaining to the Frontiers of North America, Africa and Australasia including more than 1,015 documents from the Calgary Glenbow Museum and the Hudson Bay’s Archive.
General OneFile (Gale) A one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics.
Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration and Cultural ExchangeMaterial relevant to the study of global history and trade. Includes coverage of the social, cultural, economic and political history of commodities such as sugar, chocolate, coffee, fur, tobacco, opium, oil and wine.This resource brings together manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of global commodities in world history. The commodities featured in Global Commodities have been transported, exchanged and consumed around the world for hundreds of years, thereby helping transform societies, global trading operations, habits of consumption and social practices. In addition to historical documents, Global Commodities provides users with visual resources, such as thematic galleries, data & maps, and a searchable chronology. Refine searches by commodity, document type, region, library, and theme.Includes holdings from The Hudson's Bay Company Archives.
Indigenous Peoples North America"Indigenous Peoples: North America provides users with a robust, diverse, informative source that will enhance research and increase understanding of the historical experiences, cultural traditions and innovations, and political status of Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Canada. Researchers will explore the impact of invasion and colonization on Indigenous Peoples in North America, and the intersection of Indigenous and European histories and systems of knowledge through the use of manuscripts, monographs, newspapers, photographs, motion pictures, images of artwork, and more."
Indigenous Studies Portal"The Indigenous Studies Portal (iPortal) connects faculty, students, researchers and members of the community with electronic resources: books, articles, theses, documents, photographs, archival resources, maps, etc.
The vision of the Indigenous Studies Portal is to provide one place to look to find resources for Indigenous studies.
This Indigenous Studies Portal is being developed by the University of Saskatchewan Library. "
Informit Indigenous CollectionPlease select "Only show content I have full access to" to limit search.
The Informit Indigenous Collection covers both topical and historical issues within Indigenous studies. The multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary framework provides access to emergent and groundbreaking research within the global community, and offers scope for critical international engagement and debate. With material from Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, North America and The Pacific, the Informit Indigenous Collection is a platform for Indigenous worldviews. Over 15,700 full text records from 111 resources, starting from 1977.
The database also consists of specialist journals, conference papers, reports, magazines, e-books and grey literature unavailable elsewhere online.
The Informit Indigenous Collection provides access to emergent and groundbreaking research within the global community. This database will benefit professionals and researchers involved with Indigenous issues including anthropologists, archaeologists, people working in government departments, health services, legal services, as well as Aboriginal land councils and other Indigenous organisations. The Informit Indigenous Collection is sourced from peak professional bodies and key partners including the Aboriginal Studies Press, Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, Aboriginal Inc., Nga Pae o te Maramatanga, African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, Center of World Indigenous Studies, Polynesian Society, Ateneo de Manila University Press, Philippine Studies Association of Australia, Malaysian Studies and many more.
JSTORFull text of backfiles of more than 1100 journals in the humanities, social sciences, sciences and education. Coverage is from volume 1 on, excluding latest 3-5 years.More than 3 million of the images from Artstor are now available alongside JSTOR’s scholarly content.
Making of the Modern World (Gale)Research collection documenting history of the dynamics of Western trade, 1500 to the early 20th century. Covers historical underpinnings supporting the study of economics and European imperialism.
This wide-ranging collection looks at history through the lens of wealth and trade with a focus on economics, political science, history, philosophy, sociology, and special collections on banking, finance, transportation and manufacturing. In many instances this database has the only known copy of certain works. The 3 collections can be searched together, or individually. Part I: The Goldsmiths’-Kress Collection, 1450-1850 includes major works of many economists, political pamphlets and broadsides, government publications, proclamations, and ephemera. Part II: 1851-1914 is comprised mainly of monographs, reports, correspondence, speeches, and surveys, providing international coverage of social, economic, and business history, as well as political science, technology, industrialization and the birth of the modern corporation. It provides a glimpse into the second half of the 19th century and the global events and crises that were witnessed by those living them. Part III: 1890-1945 includes transnational coverage in an area of political economy, with content covering the First World War, the Great Depression, and the Second World War. Part IV: 1800-1890 covers the industrial revolution, and the High Victorian Era. when the foundations of modern-day capitalism and global trade were established.
Nineteenth Century Collections OnlineNineteenth Century Collections Online is a multi-year, global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the nineteenth century. Content is full-text searchable. Archives published in the program include works in Western as well as non-Western languages and are sourced from rare collections at libraries and other venerable institutions from around the globe.
Asia and the West: diplomacy and cultural exchange
Features primary source collections related to international relations between Asian countries and the West during the 19th century. These invaluable documents include government reports, diplomatic correspondence, periodicals, newspapers, treaties, trade agreements, NGO papers, and more. This unmatched resource allows scholars to explore in great detail the history of British and U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy; Asian political, economic, and social affairs; the Philippine Insurrection; the Opium Wars; the Boxer Rebellion; missionary activity in Asia; and other topics. This resource also includes personal letters and diaries, as well as nautical charts, maps, shipping ledgers, company records, and expedition and survey reports for more than a century of world history. British politics and society
Includes tens of thousands of primary sources related to the political climate in Great Britain during the “long” nineteenth century. From Home Office records and papers of British statesmen to working class autobiographies and ordnance surveys, British Politics And Society is a remarkable resource for scholars looking to uncover new connections or explore new directions in understanding 19th century British political and social history. British Politics And Society enables researchers to explore such topics as British domestic and foreign policy, trade unions, Chartism, utopian socialism, public protest, radical movements, the cartographic record, political reform, education, family relationships, religion, leisure, and many others. British theatre, music, and literature : high and popular culture
Features primary sources related to the arts in the Victorian era, from playbills and scripts to operas and complete scores. These rare documents, many of them never before available, were sourced from the British Library and other renowned institutions, and curated by experts in British arts history. Interest in the arts became big business in the Victorian era, as a burgeoning middle class became patrons. This resource explores Victorian popular culture, penny dreadfuls, music, the history of the English stage, the Royal Literary Fund, and more, and provides a detailed look at the state of the British art world with not only manuscripts and compositions, but also documents like personal letters, annotated programs, meeting minutes, and financial records. Children’s literature and childhood – this archive charts the study of the history of the child in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and Latin America during the Long Nineteenth Century. A wealth of children’s literature texts document the changing construction of childhood, the growing popularity of children’s literature, and the legal and sociological contexts for both. It has fully searchable text and includes intricate illustrations and children’s book texts. Europe and Africa : commerce, Christianity, civilization, and conquest
Many research topics emerged from the colonial conquest and the legacy of slavery in modern South African society—the Anglo-Boer War, imperial policy, and race classification among them—that this volatile corner of 19th-century history draws enduring interest from scholars and students. To support their research, Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Europe And Africa: Commerce, Christianity, Civilization, And Conquest delivers monographs, manuscripts, and newspaper accounts covering key issues of economics, world politics, and international strategy. European literature, 1790-1840 : the Corvey collection
Includes the full-text of more than 9,500 English, French, and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection—one of the most important collections of Romantic era writing in existence—includes fiction, short prose, dramatic works, poetry, and more, with a focus on especially difficult-to-find works by lesser-known, historically neglected writers. As a resource for Romantic literature and historical studies, the Corvey Collection is unmatched. It provides a wealth of fully searchable content with digital research tools that enable scholars to uncover new relationships among authors and works, on range of topics including Romantic literary genres; mutual influences of British, French and German Romanticism; literary culture; women writers of the period; the canon; Romantic aesthetics; and many others. Mapping the world: maps and travel literature – this archive offers Nineteenth Century maps; travel diaries; gazetteers, travel guidebooks; travel narrative manuscripts; sketch maps; European, Asian and African rail and canal routes; atlases, maritime and nautical charts; ordnance surveys and Admiralty charts. All of the material, including place names on maps, is fully searchable and is accompanied with a state-of-the-art image viewer. Photography: the world through the lens
Assembles collections of photographs, photograph albums, and photographically illustrated books and texts on the early history of photography from libraries and archives worldwide, delivering approximately 2 million photographs from Britain, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. While some images are well known, many have rarely been viewed. Key areas of research covered include: exploration and travel; empire, colonization, and life in colonized regions; topography and archaeology; daily life in 19th century in countries across the globe; people and portraiture; science, medicine, and criminology; photography as reproduction of art works; and key events and wars. Religion, society, spirituality and reform – faith and skepticism shaped many aspects of Nineteenth Century life, including politics, law, economics, and social and reform movements. Collections within this archive include: Literature of Theology and Church History in the United States and Canada; Literature of Theology and Church History: British Theology; the Charles Bradlaugh Pamphlets; Christliches Kunstblatt, 1859 – 1905; the Papers of George Ripley, 1802 – 18880; the Caroline Wells Healey Dall Papers, 1811 – 1917; the Theodore Parker Papers, 1826 – 1865; and the Corban Society Records, 1811 – 1850. Science, technology, and medicine : 1780-1925
The collection consists primarily of two components: Journals track the connection between major episodes in the history of science, specifically in general science, medicine, biology, entomology, botany, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geology, paleontology, and technology. Monographs in the hard and social sciences touch upon the history of anthropology, archeology, ecology, public health, sanitation, geography, oceanography, astronomy, industrial and battlefield technology, and the philosophy of science. Science, technology and medicine 1780-1925, pt. II - this archive includes monographs and journals drawn from several specialised thematic Collections. These include the Collection on Natural History in the Huntington Library, California, which incorporates texts on zoology, botany, the history of soils and agriculture, geology and the formation of the Earth. There is the Collection on Entomology from the Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta, with its legacy of books with sophisticated illustrations and aesthetic beauty. There is the Collection on The Rise of Public Health in England and Wales which incorporates materials concerned with the New Poor Law of 1834, the Poor Law Union Correspondence, and The Journal of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1888 – 1920. And there are 2 million pages of Academies of Sciences Publications, where ideas, findings, and inventions discovered by scholars of the great Enlightenment were first published. Women: transnational networks
Issues of gender and class ignited 19th century debate in the context of suffrage movements, culture, immigration, health, and many other concerns. Using a wide array of primary source documents, Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Women: Transnational Networks focuses on issues at the intersection of gender and class from the late 18th century to the era of suffrage in the early 20th century, all through a transnational perspective. The collection contains deep information on European and North American movements, but also expands its scope to include collections from other regions. Researchers and scholars will find rare content related to social reform movements and groups, high and “low” culture, literature and the arts, immigration, daily life, religion, and more.
North American Indian Thought and Culture Includes more than 100,000 pages of personal stories, dating from 17th century to present day, and including all regions of North America, with nearly 500 nations represented in all. Includes biographies, auto-biographies, personal narratives, speeches, diaries, letters, and oral histories.