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Indigenous Studies: Getting Started

This guide is a useful starting point for many Indigenous Studies topics. The University of Regina is located on Treaty 4 territory with a presence in Treaty 6 territory as well as the traditional homeland of the Métis.

Let's Get Started!

It is important how to effectively read and understand journal articles.  It is a critical part of the cyclical research process.  This handout gives concise and practical tips for reading a humanities and social science journal article.

Maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism are vital when writing.  Understanding the intentional and unintentional use of an individual's ideas or words is critical.  Some guidelines are here.  

The University of Regina Library has a series of How Do I...guides that offer explanations on the basics of getting started to do research. 

A few short video tutorials are here.

A helpful resource that has tips to improve your academic and research skills is called SPARK and it is available here

Another useful resource about research basics is available here

Off-Campus Library Services

If you both live and study outside of Regina, check out the guide below.

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Literature Reviews

Several university libraries have resoures on how to compile a literature review.  A partial list can be found here.

Content and updates

This guide is meant to be a possible starting point for many topics covered in the Indigenous Studies (INDG) 100 course.  It may also be useful for students taking courses containing substantial Indigenous content that are offered at the University of Regina and its Federated Colleges.  

This guide is not an exhaustive list of resources.  Try searching Quick Find, the Library's catalogue, for more information on your topic. A resource to help you with using Quick Find is located here.

Subject Guide

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Michael Shires
Archer Library Building
Treaty 4 Territory and Homeland of the Metis.