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Indigenous Studies: More Topics

This guide is a useful starting point for many Indigenous Studies topics. The University of Regina is located on Treaty 4 territory with a presence in Treaty 6 territory as well as the traditional homeland of the Métis.

Popular Topics

Click here to see a list of popular search topics from the library catalogue that have links to relevant books, e-books, and audio-visual materials at the First Nations University of Canada and University of Regina.   Below are other popular subjects with additional information.



Improving Education on Reserves: A First Nations Education Authority Act by Michael Mendelson, July 2008

The Aboriginal Healing Foundation has much information about residential schools.  The University of Regina Library and First Nations University of Canada Library also have many of the foundation's material available in paper that can be borrowed.  They are valuable resources relating to residential schools and First Nations issues.

The Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples was published by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in 1996.  The University of Regina Library owns all five volumes in Government Publications and the main circulating collection.   Volume 3, chapter 5 of the report discusses education.  Volume 1, part two, chapter 10 discusses the topic of residential schools

Some apologies about residential schools by the Catholic Church are available here.  A partial archive of material that was produced and distributed by the Anglican Church about residential schools is available here

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is expected to rule on the First Nations child welfare case in the Spring of 2015.  Details about the hearing and background documents are available here


The University Library's Indian History Film Project contains transcripts of hundreds interviews with First Nations elders across Canada.   Interviews were documented between the early 20th century to the mid 1980s and portray perspectives on various aspects of life from a First Nations' perspective. This primary research is searchable by keyword and browsable by date of the interview, subject, interviewer and interviewee name. 

The Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples was published by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in 1996.  The University of Regina Library owns all five volumes of the report in Government Publications and the main circulating collection.  Volume 4, chapter 3 of the report disucces elders.    

First Nations Child Welfare

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada (The Caring Society)

An independent, national organization that receives no government funding.  It supports First Nations children, youth, and families world-wide for equal opportunities to succeed.  It produces research including an online journal and is a portal to other related sources.   

Indigenous Religions

Information about Library holdings for Indigenous religions in North America is available  here