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Indigenous Studies: Statistics and Demographics

This guide is a useful starting point for many Indigenous Studies topics. The University of Regina is located on Treaty 4 territory with a presence in Treaty 6 territory as well as the traditional homeland of the Métis.

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Statistics about Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Statistics and Demographics

Government of Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics Census

Statistics and Demographics Research Guide  Resource from Trinity University Library lists various sources.

Statistics Canada.   contains much census material including the Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Below are some selected statistics to get you started.  Explore the "Stats Can" homepage for more statistics on Aboriginal peoples.

Indigenous Peoples Survey (IPS) is a national survey of First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit living in Canada. survey collects and disseminates information on various social and economic outcomes related to education, employment, and health.

Assistance with searching and using data sets is available at the University Library's Spatial and Numeric Data Services (SANDS).