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Quick Find: My Library Account


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My Library Account

To access your library account, find the link on the library's home page, shown here circled in red:

Different patron groups have different ways to login:

Logging in

Log in to your account with your University (Novell) username and password. Your username is the first part of your University email address (the part before the "@")

IT support can help you recover your password if you've forgotten it.

Account dashboard

Here you can see an overview of your library activity. The name of the example patron here has been blurred out - your name should appear in the top right corner when you are logged in.

If there were any item requests or overdue fines, they would appear in the appropriate boxes.

Managing your loans

The "Loans" tab will show you all the library items you have checked out to you. Here you can renew items that are reaching the end of their loan period.

Note how the items that aren't available for renewal don't have the renew option. Items which have reached their renewal limit will also not have the option for renewal. You will have to return those items to the help desk on or before their due date.