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Google Scholar: An Essential Research Tool: Working With Results

Working With Results

The full text version of many records, including those containing the phrase “Where can I get this”, can be reached by clicking on the blue hotlinks on the right side of the screen, or on the title of the document in your search results.  A highlighted example is shown below.



Clicking on the title or that blue hotlink in your results takes you to a publisher’s website.



Articles are published by many different companies. The screen layout will vary from publisher-to-publisher, but in each case, there will be some link such as “get PDF”   or   PDF   or   html   which lets you reach the full document if it is available.  Ask for assistance at the Library’s Main Floor Help Desk if you have problems with a particular website.

In this case, the box on the right side of the screen gives various options. To view the article, click “PDF”.



The full text PDF file then appears. You may then page through the text, download it to a flash drive/your own computer’s hard drive, or print a paper copy.  

NOTE:  You cannot download to the hard drive on computers in the Library or student labs. But you can download the article to the computer’s desktop, then email  it to yourself.



How can you tighten your focus on relevant items? 




Subject Guide

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Robert Thomas
LY611, Dr. John Archer Library,
University of Regina.
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2