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Google Scholar: An Essential Research Tool: Connecting to Google Scholar

Connecting to Google Scholar

Connect to the Library homepage at:


Click on the “Databases” tab.  Under "Find database by title" type “Google Scholar”, and click “find”.


That leads to the screen below.



The information under Notes is crucial if you want to search Scholar using a computer located anywhere off-campus.  The University Library subscribes to more than 80,000 electronic journals. Your Scholar search will often find articles published in those journals. But if you are searching from off-campus, the publisher websites will not know that you are one of our students and have the right to read those articles.  Instead, you’ll be asked to pay for them. To avoid that problem, click on How to Set Google Scholar Preferences , shown highlighted above, and make the minor changes described after you have connected to the Scholar search page. You may also want to watch our video tutorial on setting your Google Scholar preferences. Then, you’ll have no problems accessing our subscriptions in your Scholar results.

To connect to the Google Scholar search page, click on its title on the “databases” screen. 







Subject Guide

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Robert Thomas
LY611, Dr. John Archer Library,
University of Regina.
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2