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Google Scholar: An Essential Research Tool: Introduction


 Both   “academic”   indexing databases and Google Scholar are useful tools for research.  This LibGuide focuses on Google Scholar, some of the differences between it and “academic” databases, and how to use Scholar to the best advantage.

Learning to use Scholar has another significant benefit. The University’s academic search databases can only be used by University employees, and currently registered students. When they graduate, students lose access to those databases.  But anyone can use Google Scholar by linking to it directly off the Internet. After you graduate, when you need information for a personal or business project, use Google Scholar to find it. Then ask your company’s corporate library or the local public library to obtain it for you through the interlibrary loan process.  Scholar can keep you connected to the high quality, reliable part of the electronic information world.

How do “academic” databases and Google Scholar differ?

Subject Guide

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Robert Thomas
LY611, Dr. John Archer Library,
University of Regina.
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2