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Library - Teaching Resources: Supporting Student Research

Created for the New Faculty Orientation, but for everyone who teaches at the University of Regina!

Supporting Student Research

Please consider including your subject librarian's contact information on your class webpage.

We can also help you locate and post other useful information for your students, including:
- links to research guides and resources
- search boxes
- chat boxes to connect them to instant help

The "Easy Win" Assignment Model

If your class has one or more assignments with research components, consider making 5% of the assignment mark contingent on students making and keeping a reference appointment with the subject librarian. This generally improves research outcomes, students get personalized support for their research, the assignments don't need to be modified, and little if any time needs to be taken from the rest of your syllabus.

This model works even better if the librarian can introduce themselves to your class, through an introductory video that can be posted on your class webpage, or a synchronous online meeting during class time.

Please contact us to get started: 
Subject Librarians:
Federated Colleges libraries:

Library-Based Research Assignment

Librarians can provide research assignments for your class. Depending on the nature of the assignment, this may include designing the assignment, providing supporting materials, providing live reference support tailored to the assignment, and/or marking guides for you (and any TAs) to use in grading the assignment.

Library research assignments can be standalone assignments, or they can be preliminary assignments that scaffold toward a major research assignment in your class.

An example of an online library-based assignment for a Business 100 class can be seen here:

To get started on a library assignment for your class, please contact us as early as possible:
Subject Librarians:
Federated Colleges libraries: