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Library - Teaching Resources: Collections and Materials

Created for the New Faculty Orientation, but for everyone who teaches at the University of Regina!

Collections and Materials

This page includes links to Archer Library materials and collections. If you are unable to find what you need, please contact us:

Scroll down for:
- Librarian Support (We can help you find no-cost textbooks, content for reading lists, and more.)
- Finding Materials (Search tools and links for help locating materials for your classes.)
- Virtual Reading/Viewing/Listening Lists (How to create online reading lists for your class, and more.)

Librarian Support

Subject Librarians can help you find:
- textbooks that are available to your students through Library licences at no additional cost to students
- articles and other content for reading lists
streaming video and music for your classes
...and more.

Contact us to get started:

Finding Materials

Quick Find is the Library's main search tool. It is available on the Library's home page ( or through these links:

Basic Search:

Advanced Search:

Licensed library databases may provide more targeted searching:
All databases:

Guide for finding/accessing streaming media:

During campus closure, physical/print materials may be accessed by being digitized (, via curbside/book-locker pickup (coming fall 2020), or by making an appointment to access micromaterials or archives/special collections ( 

If you cannot find what you need, please don't hesitate to contact us:

Virtual Reading/Viewing/Listening Lists

You can set up reading/viewing/listening lists for your UR Courses page, and at the same time verify copyright permissions for all materials. Start here: 
The linked guide includes instructions for finding materials, submitting them for inclusion on your reading list, and contact information for if you run into problems.