The following databases have streaming media that you can access through the University of Regina Library's licences. If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact the Library E-Resources Team ( Note that some streaming content is only available through Quick Find.
Click on a heading or scroll down for:
Streaming Video: Film/Documentaries
Streaming Audio and Video: Music
Streaming Audio and Video: Theatre
Streaming Video: Medicine/Nursing/Psychology
Includes hundreds titles from the following studios:
Universal Studios Canada (DreamWorks, Focus Features and Illumination),
Walt Disney Studios (Marvel Studios, Pixar Animated Studios, Lucas Film),
MGM Studios (United Artists),
Sony Pictures Entertainment (Sony Animation),
VVS Films, and
Lionsgate Film (Summit Entertainment).
Access Note: Use preferred browser: Google Chrome.
Criterion-on-Demand represents a large number of feature film producers, including, but not limited to: 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight, Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, DreamWorks SKG, Mongrel Media, Sony Pictures Classics, Alliance Films, Miramax Films, Warner Brothers, Lionsgate Films, The Weinstein Company, as well as a smaller number of independent producers. Our title selection includes 1920 classics, new releases, foreign films, literary adaptations, documentaries, animated titles, and independent features.
Access Note: Fox Collection titles will be available for off-campus access on a continuing basis for all Criterion On Demand subscribers. You may see a restriction message in the title description, but you will not be prevented from accessing and playing the film.
The Library's institutional license includes public performance rights on campus.
Legacy CAMPUS Users: All existing CAMPUS accounts remain active and users can continue to access their saved playlists and clips. However, it will no longer be possible to modify or create new clips and playlists.
When accessing use "Library: Continue as anonymous library user" or create an account with uregina email. The Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination includes over 8 hours of videos of physical examination techniques for a range of patient types, as well as OSCE clinical reasoning modules.
Academic Video Online is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary video subscription that is available to libraries. It covers a range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. The database includes a variety of video material available with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, feature films, performances, news programs and newsreels, and demonstrations.