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Dilex Search

Task Management and Saved Information

A unique feature of Dilex Search is its ability to help you to keep track of your different search tasks and interests.

When you issue a new query from the Dilex Search home page, a new task is automatically created with the same name as the query. If you would like to change the name of the task, this can be done at any time by clicking on the three dots in the top-right corner of the task card on the Dilex Search home page.

A Dilex task. On the top left is the task name "climate change" OR "global warming", on the right is a triple dots menu which has been selected to display two options: delete task and rename task. Below are three coloured boxes. The blue box on the left says "3 Queries", the green box in the middle says "0 Documents Saved", and the yellow box on the right is obscured by the triple dots menu being expanded. On the bottom there is a timeline from present on the left to "older" on the right. There is a circle above today on the timeline.

Each task you create is kept in a separate task group, showing how many queries you have issued, how many documents you have saved, and how many unique search sessions you have undertaken on this topic. It also provides a visual timeline of your activities, enabling you to easily identify how active you have been with each search task.

Clicking on the title of the task (or the box that contains the number of Queries or Sessions) brings you to a page that showcases your task history. From here, you can see the detailed information of each query you have previously issued, including the number of search results, how deep you went into these search results, how many documents you saved, and when you issued the query. This information is organized by search session, with your most recent activities at the top.

A screenshot of a Dilex task page. Along the top, at the left is a button which reads "< All Tasks", in the middle is a University of Regina and Dilex Search logo, and at the right is a green book icon and a grey person icon. Below this is a search box labelled "Create a new Search" with "Previous Sessions: generative artificial intelligence" and a legend of darker greens denoting number of saved documents while size of circles denotes number of queries. Then there is a timeline extending from today on the left, to older on the right. Along the timeline are several circles of varying sizes and shades of green. Below this are two cards, each with a blue box, a green box, and a yellow box with search results below the boxes. On the first card, the blue box reads "1 Query", the green box "0 Document Saved", and the yellow box "Aug 16,2023 2:23PM". The search query is: generative artificial intelligence OR "generative AI". this query displays 72,737 Results, 1 Page Browsed, 0 Documents Saved, and a Time of 2:23PM. On the next card, the blue box reads "3 Queries", the green "6 Documents Saved", and the yellow "Aug 11, 2023 1:42 PM-1:56 PM". Below those, the query generative artificial intelligence OR "generative AI" + one filter recorded 1 Result, 1 Page Browsed, 0 Documents Saved and a Time of 1:56PM. The Query ChatGPT AND ethics generated 313 results, 1 Page Browsed, 3 Documents Saved and a time of 1:54PM. The next query is cut off but reads generative artificial intelligence OR "generative AI".

This information can be used to help you keep track of what queries you have already used for the topic, and which have helped you to find useful information. From here, you can choose to re-issue past queries, or enter a new query to continue your search task.

Alternatively, if you have previously saved search results for this task, you can click on the box that contains the number of Documents Saved, or the green book icon in the upper right, to view this information. For each saved document, the same information that was shown in the search results list is shown in this workspace. In addition, you can also see when the document was saved and what query was used when you found it. If at some point you decide that a given saved document is not useful anymore, it can be removed from the workspace by clicking on the garbage icon.

A screenshot of a page of saved documents within a task in Dilex. Across the top of the page, there is a button labelled "< Task" at the left, a University of Regina and Dilex Search logo in the middle, and a grey person icon to the right. Below this is a box labelled "Highlight by". Within it, two terms have been highlighted and have little red trash can icons next to each: Generative AI (2) is in blue green, and ChatGPT (2) is in yellow. Below the highlighted terms are a few dozen additional terms which could be highlighted. Below this section is the Session of August 11, 2023. Two book results are displayed, each one showing cover art, the document type, document title and author(s), journal citation information, the date and time the item was saved, and the query it was saved from, along with a red trash can icon. The first saved item is an article "The Ethics of ChatGPT: A Legal Writing and Ethics Professor's Perspective" by Jennifer Murphy Romig published in SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023, it was saved on August 11, 2023, 1:55 PM from the query ChatGPT AND ethics. The second saved item is an article "A Sociological Conversation with ChatGPT about AI Ethics, Affect and Reflexivity" by Anddrew Balmer in Sociology (Oxford), 2023, p.3803852311696, a snippet of the abstract reads "This research note is a conversation between ChatGPT and a sociologist about the use of ChatGPT in knowledge production..." small yellow icons denote this item as Peer Reviewed and Open Access, and it was saved on Aug 11, 2023, 1:55PM from the query ChatGPT and ethics