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Dilex Search

Mobile Features

All of the search features present in the desktop/laptop interface for Dilex Search are also present in the mobile interface. However, due to the constrained screen size of mobile devices, some of these features are more compact or are shown one at a time rather than together in the same interface. For example, when issuing a query, there is not enough space on a mobile device to show both the search results list and the search result refinement filters. Instead, only the search results are shown, and if you want to set any filters you much click on the filter icon to reveal that aspect of the interface.

A screenshot of a Dilex search from a mobile phone. The URL is displayed in a dark purple bar across the top. Below that there is a "< Task" button, University of Regina and Dilex search logo, green book icon and a grey person icon. Then there is a search bar containing the query "climate change" OR "global wa. Next to the search is a blue filter icon. Below the search bar is a section labelled "Highlight by" with the term climate change (2) highlighted in blue, several other terms are listed but un-highlighted. Below this are the search results, only one result is visible and it has a small blue highlight in the top left corner: Climate Change Epistemologies in Southern Africa: Social and Cultural Dimensions. There is a grey plus icon to the right and a yellow lock icon at the bottom labelled Open Access.

Doing so hides the search results. Choosing the filters you prefer and clicking the Apply Filter button at the bottom of the page issues the new query and return you to the search results list.

Because Dilex Search was designed to support cross-device searching, anything that you can do in the desktop/laptop interface can also be done in a mobile context. This allows you to make use of small gaps in time to start or continue your search tasks, when accessing your computer would be inconvenient. Everything you do on your mobile device is preserved in the Dilex Search system, allowing you to review your work when you get back to your computer.