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Book Pickup Lockers

Book Pickup Lockers for Hold Requests

Request Items to be Placed in Book Pickup Lockers

1. Search Quick Find to find items you wish to borrow.

2. Once you have the search results, Sign in to your library account which allows you to place hold request items in Quick Find.

3. Click on the title of the item you wish to request.

4. Scroll down to the  Get it section of the record.

5. Click  to see the available pickup options.  


6.  Fill out the Pickup at and Not Needed After lines on the Holds Request Form.  Click on the drop down arrow beside the Pickup at: and select Archer Library below the Book Pickup Lockers heading.

7. Be sure to add a Not Needed After: date to the request form. The completed hold request form should look like the following:

8.  Click on
to send your request to the Library for processing.

*Note: When requesting items in QuickFind for pick up at the lockers please select "Pickup at: Book Pickup Lockers - Archer Library".

9.  You will receive an email notification when your hold item(s) are ready for pickup. The email will contain pickup instructions.