October 27, 2021
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Brent Pederson
Building your Leadership Narrative:
This research based, feedback intensive and practical one-day workshop for leaders, focuses on leading self, others and organization in the context of the UR Leading principles, and current leadership challenges/opportunities at the University of Regina.
You will:
Prework for Module 1 Building Your Leadership Narrative:
1. Read Leadership in Higher Education (2019), Kouzes and Posner.
Read Chapter 1, pages 1-19.
Please print or upload to your e device the PowerPoint slides for Core Module.
November 30, 2021
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Jeannette Aschenbrenner
Emotional Intelligence and Building Effective Teams
As a result of your EQi2.0 Leadership report, your coaching session and this workshop you will:
February 8, 2022
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Jeannette Aschenbrenner
In this participatory workshop, you will look back to the lessons of leadership AND forward to lead into emerging future opportunities. You will learn to LEAD with a NEW LENS by:
Please read and consider the information in the Participant Handout and the Historical Scans Supplementary Handout. Please follow the instructions on page 10 of the Participant Handout which asks you to add your own responses to the historical scans based on your work and leadership at the University.
The Organization Workshop
THE ORGANIZATION WORKSHOP involves a variety of learning activities all of which are aimed at deepening your understanding of organizational partnerships -- to see more clearly the day-to-day dynamics that regularly knock us out of partnership, what gets in the way of creating and sustaining satisfying and productive partnerships, and what it takes to to develop concrete strategies for considering, creating and maintaining satisfying and productive partnerships up, down, and across organizational lines...including with our clients/stakeholders.
Through the Organization Workshop, participants have the opportunity to:
In preparation for the Organization workshop please complete the following:
Read the article Total System Power found at this link:
Watch the video featuring Barry Oshry, author of Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life (2nd edition, 2007)
On the occasion of Power+Systems' 40th anniversary, Barry Oshry spoke at PwC, London, UK, June 2015. The theme: Transforming System Blindness, with all its personal and organizational costs, into the creative possibilities that come with System Sight.
**Please bring your Pre Work responses with you.**
In your journal answer the following questions:
1. After listening to Barry Oshry's presentation and reading the article Total System Power
a) Consider "We are all Tops. Middles, Bottoms and Customers , these are the conditions all of us face in whatever position we occupy." (Barry Oshry, Total System Power).
b) In the last 4-5 months what conditions have you experienced? What were the circumstances that resulted in you experiencing these conditions? Consider the definitions from the paper as you reflect on these questions.
c) What condition(s) are you currently experiencing? How are these conditions (Top, Middle < Bottom, Customer) affecting your leadership? Are there partnerships /opportunities with others in the university that are being sabotaged/ignored/missed? i.e. building partnerships across unit, faculty, department boundaries; contributing to a joint project; and supporting others' success? Finally have these conditions built partnerships/opportunities and collaborations for you? If so , what are they?
All materials will be provided at the workshop.
This final core module is designed to provide participants with opportunities to