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Anthropology: Finding Books

Books at the University of Regina

Searching for Books

Use Quick Find to find books (including e-books) at the University of Regina Library, Campion College Library, Luther College Library, First Nations University Library, and online.

Quick Find offers two search modes: Basic Search and Advanced Search.

  • In Simple Search, you initiate a search by entering keywords. When you get a list of search results, look for Resource Types to the left of the list, and click on the word Books under it. This leaves only books in your search results.
  • In Advanced Search you have options when you enter your keywords, such as limiting the search to a specific field (e.g. title, author, ISBN). You can limit your search results to books by selecting books from the Material Type menu, or by using the same method as is used in Basic Search (described above).


Browsing Guide for Anthropology Books

Anthropology books:
Printed anthropology books in the University of Regina Library are located on the 3rd floor of the Archer Library and have call numbers beginning with GN.

Books in related subject areas:
Here are some subject areas with their call numbers (also on the 3rd floor of the Archer Library) that are closely related to anthropology:

GF      Human ecology and anthropogeography
GR     Folklore
GT     Manners and customs

Keep in mind that some of the books in the University of Regina collection are online only—you won't find them on the shelves.

Here is a further breakdown of the GN call numbers:

          GN1 - GN46
— General
                    GN21 — Biographies of anthropologists

          GN49 - GN298 — Physical anthropology; somatology
                    GN51 - GN59 — Anthropometry
                    GN62.8 - GN265 — Human variation (growth, physical form, skeleton, etc.)
                    GN269 - GN279 — Race (general)
                    GN280.7 — Human as animal; simian traits vs. human traits
                    GN281 - 289 — Human evolution
                              GN282 - GN286.7 — Fossil humans; human paleontology
                    GN296 - GN296.5 — Medical anthropology

          GN301 - GN674 — Ethnology; social and cultural anthropology
                    GN357 - GN367 — Culture & cultural processes, including social change, structuralism, diffusion, etc.
                    GN378 - GN396 — Collected ethnographies
                    GN397 - GN397.7 — Applied anthropology
                    GN406 - GN517 — Cultural traits, customs, and institutions
                              GN406 - GN442 — Technology and material culture, including food, shelter, fire, tools, etc.
                              GN448 - GN450.8 — Economic organization; economic anthropology
                              GN451 - GN477.7 — Intellectual life, incl. communication, philosophy, religion, knowledge, etc.
                              GN478 - GN491.7 — Social organization
                                        GN484 — Circumcision, genital mutilation (also GT2470)
                              GN492 - GN495.2 — Political organization
                              GN495.4 - GN498 — Societal groups, ethnocentrism, diplomacy, warfare, etc.
                              GN502 - GN517 — Psychological anthropology
                    GN537 - GN674 — Ethnic groups and races
                              GN550 - GN674 — Groups and races by region or country

          GN700 - GN890 — Prehistoric archaeology

Off-Campus Library Services

If you both live and study outside of Regina, check out the guide below.

Books at Other Libraries

There are many anthropology books that are not owned by the University of Regina Library. You may request any book that is not owned by the U of R via Interlibrary Loan.

Here are some resources to identify books not owned by the U of R: