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Education Psychology: PsycINFO Multi-Field Search

PsycINFO: Multi-Field Search

  • In PsycINFO, click Multi-Field Search instead of advanced search
  • There are two concepts to this search: Autism and Language Comprehension  
  • Once again, we'll use the Boolean operators AND and OR to join concepts and synonyms within a concept. See the box to the left of this one for a review of Boolean searching
  • In the first search box, type: Austism
  • Leave the Boolean operator between the two search boxes at AND
  • In the next search box, type Language Comprehension
  • Click the Search button
  • The icons under the article titles indicate whether an article is available full text online or not, but only from PsycINFO:
    • If there’s only an “Abstract” or “Citation” present, that article is not available full text from PsycINFO
    • “Full text” means that a Web version of the article is available from PsycINFO
    • “Full Text – PDF” means that the journal article was scanned into the computer, and therefore exists in its original version, with images, page numbers and all, exactly as in the paper journal
    • For articles not present in full text, click Where can I get this? on the right-hand side of the screen to see if the Library has a copy. Or you can do a journal title search in the library's catalogue