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Education Psychology: APA Citation Style

APA Citation Style

Annotated Bibliography

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APA Format Information:

  • Citation format for citing sources in your papers.
  • Style guide for formatting text, headings, title page, etc.
  • Published in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.
  • APA requires you to use DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers -- individual numbers given to individual journal articles) in your citation to any journal article that has one. Stephanie Wiegand of the University of Norther Colorado Library has a page on journal articles is here, and her page on DOIs is here (for further examples).

APA Resources:

  • There are several copies (old and new) at the library.  Please search in QuickFind for updated call numbers, or come to the Help Desk for assistance in locating a copy.
  • The Help Desk at the library also has a condensed APA style guide handout that you can request (photocopy handout).
  • is a great website to refer to for examples and detailed explanations about APA, particularly the short tutorial, The Basics of APA Style.
  • Another sample guide by Stephanie Wiegand at the University of Northern Colorado Library: APA Style, 7th ed.