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Religious Studies: Call Number Ranges for Religion

A guide to library resources in religious studies

Call Number Ranges for Religion

The following are the general areas for various religious studies.  For more detail, click here.

  • BJ   Religions. Mythology. Rationalism
  • BM  Judaism
  • BP  Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc.
  • BQ  Buddhism
  • BR  Christianity
  • BS  The Bible
  • BT  Doctrinal Theology
  • BV  Practical Theology
  • BX  Christian Denominations

Call numbers for selected religions or religious divisions not listed above:

  • BL 1100-1295:  Hinduism
  • BL1300-1380: Jainism
  • BL1830-1883:   Confucianism  
  • BL1899-1942.85: Taoism
  • BL2017-2018.7: Sikhism
  • BX200-756: Orthodox Eastern Church
  • BX800-4795: Catholic Church  
  • BX4800-9999: Protestantism