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Education: APA Style Manual

This guide will help get you started on doing educational research in the Dr. John Archer Library, and on the Web.

APA Citation Style

What is APA, Manual and Web cheat sheets

APA Format Information:

  • Citation format for citing sources in your papers.
  • Style guide for formatting text, headings, title page, etc.
  • Published in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.
  • APA requires you to use DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers -- individual numbers given to individual journal articles) in your citation to any journal article that has one. Stephanie Wiegand of the University of Norther Colorado Library has a page on journal articles is here.

APA Resources:

  • There are several copies (old and new) at the library.  Please search in QuickFind for updated call numbers, or come to the Help Desk for assistance in locating a copy.
  • Archer Library has an Introduction to APA Style Citation guide that is here.
  • Citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers is here.
  • The Help Desk at the library also has a condensed APA style guide handout that you can request (photocopy handout).
  • is a great website to refer to for examples and detailed explanations about APA, particularly the short tutorial, The Basics of APA Style.
  • Another sample guide by Stephanie Wiegand at the University of Northern Colorado Library: APA Style, 7th ed.
  • Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) is an excellent source that has many illustrative examples.