For the purposes of this assignment, you should stick to news articles written by reporters or journalists that document or describe an event. They should provide facts about what happened, where and when and who was involved. They might include eye-witness accounts along with a description of the event. These are the types of news articles that are considered primary sources. Commentary, analysis, or writing that puts events into a historical context are reserved for editorials or opinion articles. These are considered secondary news articles. Although there is a time and place for this type of writing, these types of non-scholarly secondary sources should be avoided in this term paper.
Here is a video that helps illustrate the difference.
When searching for newspaper articles, you can use the Quick Find catalogue. Once there, type in your keyword(s) or search terms and then limit your results (on the left) to Newspaper Articles under Resource Type. You can further limit your results by publication date, language, subject, etc. as needed. Click on the image below for a demonstration.
For more tips and tutorials about using Quick Find, visit Archer Library's Quick Find LibGuide.
Allows you to read newspapers and magazines from over 100 countries in over 60 languages in a full-colour, full-page format. Includes over 5000 newspaper and magazine titles in an up-to-90-day archives (varies per source).
This full-text database includes national and leading regional Canadian newspapers.
Click on the titles below to watch video demonstrations of searches.