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Library - Research Resources: Home: Publishing Support

Created for the new faculty orientation, but can be used by anyone conducting research at the University of Regina!

Publishing Supports

Outlines resources and services provided by the Library to support researchers with publishing their research. On this page you'll find information on:

  • oURspace
  • Open Access
  • Open Access Journal Hosting
  • Research Impact


oURspace is the University of Regina's Institutional Repository. Researchers can boost the profile of their research by submitting their work (subject to copyright and funder agreements) to oURspace.

Visit and search oURspace here:

For more information contact:

Open Access

Open Access (OA) allows researchers to disseminate their publications in digital and free of charge (to the reader) publications or repositories. OA maximizes accessibility and impact of academic work and is often required for certain funding opportunities.

To learn more about Open Access:


Open Access Journal Hosting

The University of Regina Library can support researchers wanting to create Open Access Journals, or transfer existing Open Access journals to a different platform.

To learn more:

Research Impact

There are several tools available to help researchers maximize the impact of their research. Researchers may want to:

  • sign up for an ORCID id, a unique persistent digital identifier that ensures that distinguishes them from others with similar names and creates an authoritative record of a researcher’s work that is interoperable with many granting and publishing systems.
  • set up profiles in ResearchID and/or Google Scholar to track citations to their published work and view associated metrics.
  • use tools like Altmetric it to track non-traditional impacts of their research.
  • consult Journal Citation Reports (JCR) when making decisions about choosing a journal for publication.