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Rapidly Shifting Your In-Person Course to Online: Copyright Considerations

Recording video of yourself, live-casting lectures, etc.

Slide Images 

Just as it is legal to show slides with images in class, it is generally legal to show them to students using live video conferencing or recorded videos,
as long as your new course video is being shared through a password protected course website like UR Courses.

Many instructors routinely post a copy of their slides as a file for students to access after in-person course meetings. In most cases, faculty will own the copyright in or have license to use their slides. However, if you are incorporating third-party materials into your lessons, they should be in keeping with
the University of Regina's fair dealing guidelines or other license agreements associated with this content.

In-lecture use of audio or video 

Here, the differences between online and in-person teaching can be a bit more complex. Playing audio or video of legally-obtained physical media (music or audio visual materials like DVDs or CDs for example) during an in-person class session is permitted under Section 29.5 of the Copyright Act. However, that exemption generally doesn't cover playing the same media online. 


If you can limit audio and video use for your course to relatively brief clips, you may be able to include those in lecture recordings or live-casts using your institution's fair dealing guidelines in the Copyright Act. At the University of Regina we have the fair dealing guidelines that allows you to use up to 10% of a copyrighted work to be distributed to students in your class only. For media use longer than brief clips, you may need to have students independently access the content outside of your lecture videos. Some further options are outlined below. 


Where to post your videos 

There may be some practical differences in outcomes depending on where you post new course videos. The Kaltura CE video platform provides storage and streaming of videos and can be restricted to the students in your class only. You can also post videos within your UR Courses page. If you are an instructor and would like access to Kaltura within UR Courses, or would just like further information about the Kaltura CE instance at the University of Regina, please contact


If you already use services like Youtube to teach, remember to continue to be copyright compliant. Please note that it is more likely that videos posted on YouTube may encounter some automated copyright enforcement, such as a takedown notice, or disabling of included audio or video content. These automated enforcement tools are often incorrect when they flag audio, video, or images included in instructional videos. If you encounter something like this that you believe to be in error, you can contact for assistance.