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2SLGBTQ+ Resources: Home

2SLGPTQ+ resources available at the U of R libraries, along with key resources available online.

Writing Standards

In order to present information in an accurate and unbiased manner, it's important to be aware of acceptable language and terminology, and which terms to avoid.  

Below are links to style guides put together by GLAAD and NLGJA.  While these guides are intended to assist professional journalists in their reporting of 2SLGBTQ+ stories, they also serve as helpful guides for all writers and researchers in this area.  

Gender Pronouns

"You can’t always know what someone’s pronouns are by looking at them. Asking and correctly using someone’s pronouns is one of the most basic ways to show your respect for their gender identity.

When someone is referred to with the wrong pronoun, it can make them feel disrespected, invalidated, dismissed, alienated, or dysphoric (often all of the above.)" 

- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center, UWMilwaukee.

The chart below gives a few examples of gender pronouns, but be aware that there are many more pronouns that may be used.  

Note: avoid using the phrase "preferred pronouns".  As with gender, pronouns are not a preference; they just are.  

Example: "My name is Jennifer and my pronouns are she/her.  What are yours?"

What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know

Library User Services Assistant

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Jennifer Hall
Dr. John Archer Library
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 2A0