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Canadian Plains Studies Collections Policy: Courses


The BA major in Prairie Studies was discontinued in 2011 and the Canadian Plains Research Center closed, apart from the CPRC publishing division which was transformed into the University of Regina Press. Despite the demise of both the program and the Center, plains studies as an area of academic investigation is alive and well as evidenced by the number of departments which provide courses examining, in whole or in part, the prairie region:

ANTH 241AI Ethnographie des Francophones de la Saskatchewan

ECON 237 Economics of Canadian Regionalism
ECON 296AK Issues in Canadian Agriculture
ECON 372 Natural Resource Management on the Prairies
ECON 396AC Agricultural Policy in Canada
ECON 496AH Saskatchewan Alternative Budget
ENGL 313 Canadian Literature: Regional Literatures
ENGL 808AG Canadian West in Fiction

FILM 390AI Place in Prairie Film
FILM 390AK Editing the Prairie
GEOG 246 Urban Geography ("special emphasis is placed on the urban geography of Regina"--course description)
GEOG 321 Meteorology ("special attention to weather conditions on the Canadian Prairies")
GEOG 328 Population Geography ("Particular reference is made to the demography of Saskatchewan's population.")
GEOG 346 Urban Planning ("Emphasis is placed on urban planning...especially in Regina.")
GEOG 396AH Population Geography ("Particular reference is made to the demography of Saskatchewan's population.")
GEOG 491AF Hydrology II: Surface Water ("The lakes and rivers of Saskatchewan are emphasized.")
GEOG 890AB Directed Readings in Economic Geography ("applications to the Prairie economies and the industries therein")
GEOG 891AP Geomorphic Processes ("...change of landscape on the Canadian Prairies.")
GEOG 897AA Watershed Hydrology ("A field study of the upper Battle Creek basin in the Cypress Hills of southwestern
  Saskatchewan and southeastern Alberta.")
HIST 201 Canada from Confederation to World War II ("including such topics as...western settlement...")
HIST 239 History of the Cowboy
HIST 290AD Introduction to Public History ("...interpretation and promotion of western Canadian history.")
HIST 301 Federalism and the Canadian Experience ("...regionalism and province-building.")
HIST 310 History of Native People in Canada ("...history of native people from coast to coast since the time of European
HIST 318 History of the Prairie West
HIST 330 Women and Gender in the Prairie West
HIST 890AL Saskatchewan and Canadian Federalism
INDG 208 Cree Culture and History ("...special emphasis on Cree societies resident in Saskatchewan.")
INDG 210 Assiniboine Culture and History ("...special emphasis on Assiniboine societies resident in Saskatchewan.")
INDG 215 Saulteaux Culture and History ("...special emphasis on Saulteaux societies resident in Saskatchewan.")
INDG 216 Dene Culture and History ("...special emphasis on Dene societies resident in Saskatchewan.")
INDG 218 Dakota Culture and History ("...special emphasis on Dakota societies resident in Canada.")
INDG 222AB First Nations of Saskatchewan--1885
INDG 222AC Northern Saskatchewan
INDG 222AK Evolving Health Systems in Northern Saskatchewan
INDG 229 Indigenous History within Canada: Western Canada
INDG 390AB Saskatchewan Land Surrender Claims
INDG 390AN First Nations Treaties in Alberta
INDG 424 Principles of Indigenous Governance ("...development of Indian governments in Saskatchewan.")
INDG 890AD Cree Identity
INDG 890AQ Aboriginal Healing across the Canadian Plains
JS 890AV Restorative Justice: Theory, Application and Evaluation ("Additional emphasis is placed on restorative justice
  practices in Saskatchewan.")
JS 890BB Historical Perspectives on Community Corrections in Canada ("...with an emphasis on Saskatchewan.")
JSGS 825 Saskatchewan in Canadian Federation
JSGS 867 Advanced Policy Analysis ("Students will work with representatives from the Saskatchewan Government to
 conduct a policy analytic review for a provincial ministry.")

PSCI 451 Provincial Politics in Canada
PSCI 480 Provincial Legislative Internship Program
PSCI 845 Politics of Healthcare Labour Relations ("...the evolution of Saskatchewan's legislative framework for healthcare
 labour relations in the post-World War II period.")
RLST 267 Religion in Canada
THEA 365AF Acting in Saskatchewan
WGST 880AF Farm Women and Work ("...changing roles of farm women in the Canadian prairies.")