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Canadian Plains Studies Collections Policy: Guidelines

General Considerations

3.1 Subject coverage

Although the emphasis is on the Prairie Provinces, material acquired may be related to almost any aspect of the central plains region of North America.  With the prairies/plains as location, virtually any work is potentially of interest. Subjects range from rural depopulation in Saskatchewan to the re-establishment of grasslands in Nebraska, water rights in the High Plains, aboriginal land claims, deficit reduction in Alberta, etc.

3.2 Languages

Preference is given to English; Fransaskois material is collected in French.

3.3 Chronological periods

There are no limitations on time periods.

3.4 Publication date

The majority of acquisitions are current or fairly recently-published materials. 

3.5 Geographic areas

Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba; for the United States, the Dakotas, eastern Montana, Nebraska and Kansas are collected at the state level. Lesser attention is paid to more distant areas: western Texas and Oklahoma, northeastern New Mexico, eastern portions of Colorado and Wyoming.

3.6 Formats

The library acquires materials in all formats (paper, electronic, microform, etc.), giving consideration to the appropriateness or usefulness of the format. Paperbacks are preferred.