2.1 Selection Responsibility
Subject Liaison Librarian assigned with Herman Endowment responsibilities is responsible for selecting material and work with faculty to coordinate recommendations originating from within their own departments and faculties.
Selection involves the planned identification and review of items best suited to strengthen the University for support of its curriculum development, teaching, and faculty research. Specific criteria include:
Material related to Jewish religion, history, philosophy, literature and culture through the ages; Hebrew Bible; Holocaust; Israel; Zionism; anti-Semitism.
The primary language for material collected is English; Hebrew (dictionaries and grammars); occasionally English translations of Hebrew literature; Yiddish (infrequent).
Biblical era to present
Primary emphasis will be placed on material published within the preceding ten years.
There are no specified geographical restrictions but there is emphasis on Israel, Palestine and diaspora. The emphasis on English-language material may introduce some de facto geographical restrictions.
Latest editions are preferred; older editions may be retained if they are considered classic works.
2.2 Multiple copies: see Dr. John Archer Library policy at http://www.uregina.ca/library/assets/docs/pdf/duplicate_materials.pdf
2.3 Donations: see Dr. John Archer Library policy at https://library.uregina.ca/about/book_donations.
2.4 Collection Maintenance
Subject Liaison Librarian assigned with Herman Endowment responsibilities is responsible with
maintaining this collection.
2.5 Formats
The library acquires materials in all formats (paper, electronic, microform, etc.), giving consideration to their appropriateness or usefulness. All streaming video requests for specific courses will be considered. The library usually acquires material for use by all members of the University community.
2.6 Levels
Generally, materials are relevant to the research and teaching needs of faculty and staff, or are in support of the curriculum. These materials may be written at either scholarly or introductory levels.
2.7 Excluded Materials
In general, no types of materials are specifically excluded. Introductory textbooks, a book that is designed to be used in the classroom to introduce students to a subject, are usually not purchased. The Library does not purchase printed maps.
2.8 Weeding
Weeding involves the planned removal of items that no longer support the University’s curriculum. Subject Liaison Librarian is responsible for weeding material in this assigned area and, if necessary, with the consultation of faculty and the Collections and Assessment Team. Weeding criteria can include:
No original works or facsimile editions (for example art, music, literature) shall be removed from the collection.
2.9 Challenged Materials
The University Library recognizes that some library users might challenge the validity, truth, scholarship, politics, morality, etc. of its materials and request their removal from the collection, relegation to a specific area, or reclassification of the subject. Materials are selected according to general collections policy section 2.1.1. All formal challenges to or complaints about the collection should be brought to the attention of the Collections and Assessment Team. The Dean, Libraries and Archives, reserves the right to make the final decision on the retention of all items in the collection.