Searching for Books
Use Quick Find to find books (including e-books) at the University of Regina Library, Campion College Library, Luther College Library, First Nations University Library, and online.
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Browsing for Computer Science Books
Computer science books at the University of Regina Library are on the 4th floor at the following call numbers:
Note: Some computer science books are online only. All books, printed and online, are listed in Quick Find. Records for online books in Quick Find provide a link to the book. Reference books are located on the first floor at the same call numbers as shown above.
There are many computer science books that are not owned by the University of Regina Library. You may request any book that is not owned by the U of R via Interlibrary Loan.
Here are some resources to identify books not owned by the U of R:
If you both live and study outside of Regina, check out the guide below.