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Media, Art, and Performance (MAP)

This guide has information for researchers in all areas of Media, Art, and Performance.

Connecting from Off Campus?

If you're connecting from off campus, most resources should automatically direct you to the proxy page to authenticate your account; then you'll be forwarded automatically to the resource you requested.

Automatic redirect not happening?  Being asked for a password you don't have?  Denied access?  Use the authentication page to verify that you are a University of Regina student, then try again.

Still not working?  Contact ITS.

Database Search Tips

AND requires all specified words to appear in each item
          e.g. censorship AND freedom of speech

OR    requires any of the specified words to appear in each item
         e.g. assisted suicide OR euthanasia
NOT  excludes terms not desired
          e.g. right to die NOT euthanasia
Combining ideas
       e.g. (gun* OR firearm* OR weapon*) AND (control* OR restrict* OR law* OR legislation)
  •         prioritize your concepts to begin your search with the most important one
  •         consider additional concepts to use, if necessary, to reduce or expand retrieval
  •         if the database has a thesaurus, either online or print, check for suggested terms

Having Problems?

Not enough material?
  •           if you have combined several concepts using AND, start again and search only the most important one. Then add the next most important  one, and so forth
  •           look at each concept and see if you can think of additional synonyms (use OR)
  •           if you are searching free-text, look at your terms carefully and think of ways to broaden your phrasing
Too much material?
  •         look at a sample of the items retrieved; if a high proportion is not relevant, add another concept
  •         sometimes irrelevant records may be eliminated by NOTing out a particular aspect or population
  •         try limiting by language, date, form of material, particular field instead of free-text

Looking for Articles

Start your research in QuickFind, the most basic library search tool.

After you have found what is available in QuickFind, try expanding your search using the databases listed below.


Comprehensive Newspaper Databases:

Specific newspapers and special topics:

Scholarly Databases for English Literature