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Special Collections: Reference Service/Borrowing/ Photocopying/Tours

Describes Special Collections in the Archer Library including basic user information and information about its sub-collections.

Rare Bible

Special Collections



Help Using Special Collections

Reference Service:

If you want to get a book from Special Collections contact the Archives and Special Collections staff (585.4014) Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. The staff will locate the book for you while you wait.

To use the book you will be asked to fill out the form Application for Use of Research Facilities and Materials  which is available in the Archives. Use of Special Collections materials requires that you present a valid ID such as a student ID card, current driver's licence or other appropriate identification.

If you have any questions about locating or using a book in Special Collections just ask the Archives and Special Collections staff for assistance.


Special Collections materials may not be removed from the Library due to their value and sometimes fragile condition. These materials may be used for research in the Archives Reading Room.


Be sure to ask the Archives staff about photocopying. Copies may only be made if the Special Collections book is in good enough condition because photocopying can be damaging to covers and pages. Pressing down on the book to copy is hard on any book. And sometimes old books have very narrow page margins inside which makes copying difficult.  But if the book is in good condition the staff will be happy to copy pages for you.



Tours and Classes:

If you are a faculty member a Librarian can arrange to include materials from Special Collections in your library instruction.  Some materials may be exhibited to support the class being taught or to enhance a particular topic. Tours of Special Collections may also be arranged for your classes. Contact the Collection Development Librarian for assistance.


Special Collections Books Will Be Found For You!

Books Books!