Your assigned company is Lowe's. (Note: this is Lowe's the hardware/home-improvement company, NOT Lowe's Foods.) You may use information on both the US and Canadian branches.
For help with this assignment, you can contact the Business Librarian ( or the Library Help Desk (
Please review all videos on the "Videos and Documents" tab. The videos will introduce you to all the resources you need to complete the assignment. There is also a "Example Assignment" document that gives an example of how to complete the assignment (this example paper would likely get a C or lower -- if you are hoping for a better mark, make sure you really understand how the information in the assignment would fit in to an environmental scan).
You will need to fill out the "Blank Assignment" sheet for your assignment, which is also on the "Videos and Documents" tab. The assignment is done individually, and must be submitted according to your professor's instructions.
Instantly ask Library Help Desk staff about anything! Available during Help Desk opening hours.
If you're connecting from off campus, most resources should automatically direct you to the proxy page to authenticate your account; then you'll be forwarded automatically to the resource you requested.
If you have any problems accessing Library materials, visit the troubleshooting guide.
If you're having other technical difficulties (e.g. with your own device or software) you can contact Information Services or check out the hub for remote learning support.
The Library can help you to find information for your assignment. Please note that the Library cannot proofread or look over your assignment (for this service, contact the Student Writing Centre).
Help is available during Library opening hours from the Library Help Desk - this includes online chat, and face-to-face (main floor, Archer Library, drop-in during opening hours or make an appointment).
PressReader has hundreds of newspapers and magazines from Canada and around the world that you can read in the same format as print editions.
Download the PressReader app for Android or iOS. First time connecting, use University of Regina wifi connection; then you will have access to PressReader for 7 days (following your most recent on-campus connection).
Online resources can give you definitions of terms you are not familiar with. Do not cite these definitions in your assignments. These are only for you to familiarize yourself with their meaning.
Investopedia is a website that has lots of reliable and up-to-date definitions of financial terms used in the USA and worldwide.
Online Business Dictionary has definitions for common business terminology.